Sunday, August 16, 2009

Google Caffeine-taste made better!

I am back! and this time with a buzz! You've guessed it right...I'm talking about the latest buzz that have swept the web since yesterday... Its Google once again; Google Caffeine.
The name sounded pretty strange; especially it never gives you an impression about what it is all about. I went ahead to do some Googling and unfortunately couldn't find anything comprehensive.

To quote Matt Cutts "Google is quite serious about scrutinizing our codebase regularly and rewriting the parts that don’t scale well to make them more robust, more elegant, or faster."
What I decipher is that Google aims at revamping their Algo as it always does but this time on an ultra massive scale. With the use of superior GS42 technology, it aims at accomplishing the following results

  • Indexing the web pages which had been way beyond its territory. It aims at delivering more real time content generated mostly by Social Media honchos like Twitter, FacebookHerein the factor temporal relevancy comes into play. This means, the new Google better understands what an user might be looking for. While the keywords are still important, but it understands when a user is looking for real time data and when you look for terms like "China Landslide" it is the news results with updated data that scours up the results instead of Wikipedia explaining what a landslide is all about.
  • Indexing at a faster rate and a greater speed. This means that the tie taken for delivering results would be even lesser than what it used to be. I guess this hardly makes any difference for an average searcher.

  • Delivering results that are more relevant to keyword query; thus aiming at better accuracy.

  • This time Google aims at something bigger. If you would refer to the Sandbox, you may easily find that the number of search results delivered to a particular keyword query has just trippled!

So that's what its all about...if you would want to check manually the difference between the old searches and the new one, visit Google Sandbox@ and post your expert feedback!